Contributing Towards Eradicating Racism

Debate on whether racism has ended utterly refuses to die down. And, rightfully so, we cannot say for sure if racism is a thing of the past – even, in today’s world. Racism is described as ‘a doctrine of biological inferiority (And, no matter how much one denies that it is true that we all or at least an impressive majority believe in races). As a norm, we are conditioned to think that these races rank upon a scale while these rankings are intrinsic, or natural. It is an acquired way of thinking. So, by default, everyone at some level is a racist. The societal perspectives have drilled the concept into our thinking and approach.

In all honesty, attempts must be made to abandon the category of race. This whole concept of racial discrimination erupts from the idea of racialized groups.  As per a report on The Conversation, the type of the “racialized group” can be of great value speaking. It offers a way for the members of “inferior races” to assert and defend themselves collectively while distancing themselves from the negative and misleading associations of the term “race.” Continue reading “Contributing Towards Eradicating Racism”