5 Tips To Avoid Flu in Winter

How to help prevent

Flu is a very contagious disease that’s often confused with cold. Well, while the causative agents for cold are in hundreds of different viruses, flu is caused only by influenza virus of types A, B and C. Now, these viruses cause the large seasonal breaks and is soon arriving. While flu may be one of the most common diseases that is majorly seasonal, its effects are never so easy to bear. The feeling is just ‘bad’.

Surprisingly, many people take flu for granted and may not go to the hospitals. According to CDC research, it has been established that winter flu epidemic affects 3, 00,000 to 6, 00,000 people each year. It is further observed that of the number – 2, 00,000 people wind up in hospital and between 3,000 and 49,000 don’t survive.

With the above statistics, it is therefore important to take necessary preventive measures ahead of the impending break-out. Flu is the type of disease where prevention would be much better than just cure. Here is how to keep yourself and your family safe from flu during this season. Continue reading “5 Tips To Avoid Flu in Winter”