We all know that Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb and the fact that he achieved success after trying it for a thousand times is also not hidden from the world. But do you know how many times people tried to discourage him from trying it the next time? A lot of them, his teachers also exclaimed that Edison is “too stupid to learn anything.” So what kept him going on and to be known in the entire world as “America’s Greatest Inventor”?
Willpower, strength, decision making, determination, dedication, hard work, skill learning- there are many similar words to describe Edison’s approach towards his life and what he does with it. But you cannot find a single word about people like Edison that depicts hesitation to follow their dreams.
There Goes My Shepherd:

The life’s biggest problem is that whether I work as a 9-5 employee or start something of my own, that what if my job does not fulfill my demands and if I had been working as an entrepreneur I may have been somewhere else today? This self-pity is the most dreaded thing in our lives. Going after some job just because one of your friends is earning a hefty amount of money working in some organization.
Or going to a factory to show that you are working somewhere and are not a burden on the parents. Approaching life from these angles may get you money but not satisfaction, there is a common saying that “even a king cannot quench all of his desires, on the other hand, even a beggar can fulfill all his needs.” Hence, you need not follow the already trodden path, instead make your way and do what will make you content within yourself.
The life’s biggest problem is that whether I work as a 9-5 employee or start something of my own, that what if my job does not fulfill my demands and if I had been working as an entrepreneur I may have been somewhere else today? This self-pity is the most dreaded thing in our lives. Going after some job just because one of your friends is earning a hefty amount of money working in some organization.
Or going to a factory to show that you are working somewhere and are not a burden on the parents. Approaching life from these angles may get you money but not satisfaction, there is a common saying that “even a king cannot quench all of his desires on the other hand even a beggar can fulfill all his needs.” Hence, you need not follow the already trodden path, instead make your way and do what will make you content within yourself.
The Basic Instincts:
No, this is not about Sharon Stone people. This point is about “Do what you love and love what you do.” So what do you love to do, talking to your friends or hanging out with them is not the point here. You love painting, but do not want to follow it because of the fear of failure, or you like taking care of pets but fear of being humiliated by the society after taking it up as a profession. You all know Abraham Lincoln, the greatest president United States has ever seen, he failed 17 times before being elected into the Congress. Failed as a soldier, failed as a lawyer, failed as a businessman, but did he stop following his instinct to do something for his country. The rest is history, my friends.
I Have a Dream:

What allowed Steve Jobs to run his company from a small garage in Los Altos? Was it that he had some anticipation that his company will be one of the biggest companies in this world? Absolutely not, it was passion, the sheer strength to continue against all the odds. That is what it does to a person. Find your passion everywhere, search for it. Look for the clues, how did you feel when doing some activity, when did your emotions skyrocket, what is it that you did for the first yet came out better than others. Life is a journey; it is like you get to write your own story in your font and size. Be a little intense in what you want to do, follow your instincts.
What You Like is Not What You Love:
Whenever you see that your neighbor or any one of your relative has a 7 figure income and drives a Mercedes to work, go to him and ask one question, how are you? And ask them to be honest while answering that question. You will realize that they are not happy at all. Whatever they do for a living may be interesting, but is it what they love to do. Because if you do something with love at the background, then all else doesn’t matter. Warren Buffet, the third richest man in the world, does not have a Bentley; he has a whole aviation company to his name but has never flown in executive class. He is the representation of simplicity and a person who loves what he does. He is passionate to work for his employees, his companies that is why he is successful yet happy.
Finally, Rome Was Not Built In a Day:

Do you know who failed big time? Albert Einstein. The most intelligent man who roamed on this Earth could not utter a single word until he was 4 years old, he could not write for the first 7 years of his life, expelled from his school, stamped as a mentally slow person, lost in his dreams. Similar accolades were awarded to this guy for some years of his life. Did he stop, or was he able to achieve everything the next day.
So why are you stopping after the first obstacle, every single failure in your life no matters its size will turn out into your advantage. Learn from them, grow over them, be the best failure in your family, be the loser of the society. Ed Sheeran lived on the streets for 3 years; he did not stop singing so what are you scared of. Evolve with time, and you will reach where you want to go.
Life is a beautiful mix of the little and big pieces of a puzzle, and you are the sole architect who will arrange these pieces in place. Make sure that you have the right piece today, you cannot replace the past years, but you surely can prepare the ground by taking decision wisely for the next pieces to come.